Jacob Nizri

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Jacob Nizri

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Jacob Nizri

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

44 Ventures

“A great leader has to feel comfortable filling their team with people who are a lot better than them.
They have to be able to put their ego aside and to stay sensitive to their team and their market.”

Jacob Nizri is a serial entrepreneur, founder of several media companies, chairman and investor. Currently, he is heading 44 Ventures (formerly weEndeavor), a holdings group investing in and working with global media and digital marketing companies.

To list all ventures Jacob (co-)founded, led or invested in would burst this text. What's striking, however, is how Jacob finds, guides and engages with every single one of them. He looks for the non-obvious, tries to see what others don't and expects no less from leaders around him. It's a person's sensitivity to others that catches his eye. And it's the hungry, not yet polished underdog that would attract his attention.

Polishing the unpolished is a theme that spans far beyond Jacob's career. A member of the Board of Directors of the non-profit Appleseeds Academy, he takes an active role in promoting tech knowledge to underserved communities in Israel's periphery – areas often overlooked in the success stories of Israel's Startup Nation.


2015 - Founder & Chief Executive Officer - 44 Ventures (formerly weEndeavor Group)
2014 - Member Board of Directors - Appleseeds Academy
2020 - Co-Founder & Chairman - Twist Digital
2016 - Founder & Chairman - Literally Media

Jacob Nizri on Meeting Culture
Jacob Nizri on Task Delegation
Jacob Nizri on Team Engagement