Leon Avigad


Leon Avigad


Leon Avigad


Brown Hotels

“Besides being an expert in their business sector, a leader has to be charismatic and know how to motivate the people around them.
They have to be the foreign minister of their company – be its biggest fan and know how to promote it!”

Leon Avigad is the founder and CEO of Brown Hotels, a boutique design hotel collection made in Israel, spanning Tel Aviv and Jerusalem and currently expanding to Europe. Whoever has spent a night in one of the Browns felt how each wall breathes design, innovation, style and authenticity – traits and values that are just as present in Brown Hotels' team culture as they are in their unique accommodations.

Passionate about hotels ever since he was a child, Leon built his career from bellboy at Jerusalem’s legendary King David to director of the luxurious Dan Hotels Israel before bringing contemporary boutique hospitality to Israel's vibrant metropolises.

Word on the street is that Leon's business card reads three words: "Bulldozer. Storyteller. Empresario." In fact, there would be no better title for our interview.


2005 - Founder - Leopard Hospitality / Brown Hotels
1994 - Director - Dan Hotels

Leon Avigad on Company Culture
Leon Avigad on Feedback
Leon Avigad on Meeting Culture